Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethical and Psychological Egoism Essay

At first glance the theories of ethical egoism and psychological egoism may seem to be very similar, but in fact they differ greatly with respect to their status as making prescriptive or descriptive claims. Ethical egoism is a consequentialist ethical theory that argues each individual should seek to do what is solely in his or her self-interest, and in this fashion it makes a prescriptive claim. Moseley (2006) describes it in this way: â€Å"it is always moral to promote one’s own good, and it is never moral not to promote it. † Similarly, Rand (1964) defines it with respect to selfishness: â€Å"The attack on ‘selfishness’ is an attack on man’s self-esteem; to surrender one is to surrender the other† (p. 7). Therefore, for example, when facing the moral question of whether or not to buy Fairtrade coffee, ethical egoism dictates that the individual should not necessarily think about the employees who pick the beans in Columbia, but should instead consider whether or not buying Fairtrade will give that individual a good image, improve his or her own context, etc. In its strong version, ethical egoism asserts that it is always morally correct to seek one’s own good and never moral to not seek the same, whereas the weak version argues for the former, but not the latter. In this respect, according to strong ethical egoism, I should buy Fairtrade coffee only because of how it benefits me and the thought of benefit for any other person should not even be a consideration. The weak theory, however, still insists I buy the coffee because it benefits me, but it will not necessary condemn me if I also consider the benefit my purchase may bring to Columbian workers for their own sakes. Psychological egoism, in contrast to ethical egoism, is a purely descriptive theory in that it attempts to describe the way in which humans function: it claims the â€Å"fact† that every individual’s actions are driven solely by self-interested ends. However, in this descriptive theory there lies a problematic fallacy. Once one accepts the premise of psychological egoism, namely that everything an individual does is out of concern for self-interest, it is impossible to offer any counter-examples to the theory. For example, if I am a captain of a ship and have decided my crew is planning a mutiny against me, every action that the crew does, whether hostile or simply unimportant, will be interpreted by me as supporting my mutiny hypothesis. In other words, the theory of psychological egoism is simply non-falsifiable. A further difference between ethical egoism and psychological egoism is the doctrine of motivation that undergirds each. Because psychological egoism is merely a descriptive theory, it draws its motivation from nature, or simply â€Å"the way things are†. In this respect, a philosopher like Hobbes (1651) can argue for his contract theory of the state in order to thwart the natural inclinations of humanity to kill one another. His starting assumption is that the state of nature serves as the foundation or motivation for psychological egoism. On the other hand, ethical egoism as a prescriptive theory derives its motivation from the desires of the individual to maximize his or her own self-interests. Self-interest does not mean selfishness, per se, insofar as selfishness pushes for the maximization of individual gains without consideration of others. Rather self-interest may have a communal aspect which allows for achievement of personal goods that, though directed toward the benefit of the individual, may in fact correspond with achievement of goods for others (see footnote 1). Hobbes, T. (1651) Leviathan. Forgotten Books ebook. Retrieved from http://www. forgottenbooks. org Moseley, A/ (2006) Egoism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://www. cep. utm. edu/e/egoism. htm Rand, A. (1964) The Virtue of Selfishness. New York: Signet, 1970

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Role of the Practitioner

ll early years practitioners have a role to play in quality improvement by developing their personal and professional skills as reflective practitioners. Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton discuss what you can do The quality of provision in any early years settings is dependent on the skills, attitudes, knowledge and experience of everyone who works there. Reflective practice is the key to quality improvement as it helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of a setting’s provision.Being a reflective practitioner involves thinking about how you currently work and evaluating what you do in order to improve your practice. The reflective practitioner stands back, takes a balanced view and recognises what works well, but is also able to acknowledge what could be changed. To be a reflective practitioner you need to be self aware and able to look as objectively and honestly as possible at how you work with children, colleagues and parents.This is not easy, but t aking a proactive role, reflecting on and analysing your own practice is far more rewarding than relying on someone in a more senior position to do this for you. Evaluating your own practice helps to put you in control of the changes that should be made, enables you to identify your professional development needs and will increase your confidence and feelings of job satisfaction. Reflective practice and self evaluation are fundamental to the Ofsted inspection process.By completing the Self Evaluation Form (SEF) managers and setting leaders are able to provide a snapshot of what happens in a setting. Through the SEF they can clearly identify the setting’s strengths and highlight what it does well. At the same time they can acknowledge any weaknesses in provision and plan the changes and improvements to be made. However, managers cannot achieve this alone. They are reliant on all practitioners in the setting taking responsibility for the quality of their individual practice and aiming for continuous improvement.The reflective practitioner in action Being a good role model Reflect on how enthusiastic, positive and optimistic you are and how you demonstrate this in your work from day to day. Think about how you treat colleagues, how well you listen to them and to what extent you are prepared to help out if needed. Consider the way to talk to children and how good you are at listening to what they have to say and following up on their ideas. How good are you at making parents feel welcome and at valuing what they can tell you about what is important for their individual child?Do you help the setting to run smoothly by thinking ahead and being proactive in solving problems as they arise? Do you take responsibility for your own professional development? Understanding the SEF By understanding the structure of the SEF and looking at the questions it asks you can become more aware of how your individual practice contributes to the overall provision of the setting . The SEF is in three parts that look at different aspects of how a setting functions.Part A: The details of the setting and the views of those who use it As a reflective practitioner, consider the contribution you make to the vision and values of the setting and what it aims to achieve for children and families. Think about how well you help parents and children to feel a part of the setting. How do you enable them to express opinions and have their views listened to? How good are you at contributing your ideas and opinions and listening to the views of others?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Benefits & Costs of Collaboration in IT Workplace

Two or more people or organisations ing together for a mon goal is a collaboration (Schuman, 2006). It is a joint effort (Rouse, 2016) and by definition excludes individual work. Information Technology (IT) is the use of puters, networks, storage and other infrastructure to store, retrieve, process, and share electronic data and is often employed in the context of business as opposed to personal use (Bigelow, 2015). This short paper discusses the benefits and costs of collaboration in an IT workplace. Collaboration promotes a superior quality of work by supporting the division of labour on which our present-day society is based. The ever-increasing specialisation in technology, processes, and customer requirements mean that an individual in an organisation can specialise and thus excel in one or just a handful of domains to be adding value to the entity's mission (Belcher, n.d.). This requirement implies we need to bring together people of different skills to achieve goals, thus, collaboration. Multiple minds working together leads to that many ideas and leads to achieve the task at hand. Collaboration helps build team morale and helps increase job satisfaction (Boyer, n.d.). It increases the chances of interaction among the team members which may aid in honing resilient teams which will care about the quality of work they produce. Collaboration requires the participation of multiple people, and thus the need to keep them on the same page, and thus meetings. It leads to meetings which are often inefficient and result in wasting time (Harmon & Cullinan, 2016). Collaboration may lead to useless power struggles (Belcher, n.d.). In the absence of a real authority figure, some individuals may attempt to gain power rather than concentrate on the task at hand. It may also lead to covert conflicts in working styles of individuals (Belcher, n.d.) who would rather like to work solo. Some of these people of these employees may take out their tension on the work, thus being detrimental to the organisation's goals. Belcher, L. Advantages & Disadvantages of Collaboration in the Workplace. Chron. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://smallbusiness.chron /advantages-disadvantages-collaboration-workplace-20965.html Bigelow, S. (2015). What is Information Technology (IT)? - Definition from WhatIs . TechTarget. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://searchdatacenter.techtarget /definition/IT Boyer, S. The Importance of Collaboration in the Workplace. Nutcache. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://www.nutcache /blog/the-importance-of-collaboration-in-the-workplace/ Harmon, S. & Cullinan, R. (2016). The Dark Side of Collaboration. The Huffington Post. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://www.huffingtonpost /shani-harmon/the-dark-side-of-collabor_b_9825020.html Rouse, M. (2016). What is collaboration? - Definition from WhatIs . TechTarget. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://whatis.techtarget /definition/collaboration Schuman, S. (2006). Creating a culture of collaboration (1st ed.). San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Thomas Edisons contribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thomas Edisons contribution - Essay Example In 1979, Edison developed a carbon-filament lamp. He demonstrated operation of lamp at his Menlo Park laboratory. Very next year, he began producing lamps commercially in which he used carbonized bamboo as filaments. After finding that the oxygen weakens the platinum once it gets heated, he put the filament in a vacuum bulb. This surely improved the performance of his lamp. The market was eagerly waiting for a device that could solve their lighting needs. Edison applied the Joule's and Ohm's laws in developing high resistance lamps reducing the size of copper conductors and thereby its cost. He was the first person to convert carbon into a wire-kind ; the invention helped him to make incandescent electric lamps providing one more utility that fulfilled market needs (Inventions (2012).  Ã‚   Electric Power SystemWhen question comes to developing electric power system, he felt the need to develop host of other devices such as electrical generator, electric motors, fuses to prevent ov erloading, and the screw socket to hold lamps. Edison also designed a direct-current system that was required to provide power to an isolated single building. Soon he realized that an alternating current system was a better alternative for high-voltage transmission. He did not develop an alternating current system because he believed that high voltages were unsafe. His contribution to the development of electrical systems and devices is unprecedented.His only invention in the field of pure science came to be known as the Edison effect.

Systems and Processes Deployed within Organization Essay

Systems and Processes Deployed within Organization - Essay Example This is the reason why these systems and processes have been openly debated for their usage and viability in the times gone by and even today when their need has been all the more significant. The effectiveness of the systems and processes can be judged from the different ideological bases which exist within an organization and the manner under which decisions are taken to boost them up with the changing time dimensions (Thomas, 1999). The management domains also play a quintessential role and this would be discussed here within the length of this paper nonetheless. Also a theoretical comprehension of how alternatives could be studied, analyzed and implemented within the relevant thick of things would be made here in this paper. What remains to be seen are the future considerations and the amendments which will play a huge role at changing beliefs and opinions as far as the different systems and processes are concerned, and which are linked with the organization’s performance objectives. The organization chosen for this paper is Walmart. The reason for choosing Walmart is because it is one of the world’s biggest organizations. Its revenues have exceeded expectations and it is growing at a phenomenal rate over the years. Walmart has given tough time to some of the world’s biggest retailers and it is due to this fact that it has achieved immense success. What is even more interesting to note is the fact that the systems and processes within Walmart are geared in such a way that success seems to be the middle name of this organization. There is reason enough to believe such a premise, more so because Walmart has been able to shape up new ideas and turn beliefs in its right. Walmart has given tough time to some of the world’s biggest retailers and it is due to this fact that it has achieved immense success. The systems and processes being followed within Walmart are driven in such a way that there is success for just about every intermed iary who is involved (Ingram, 2010). This allows the retail giant to extract as much benefit as possible from varied processes, systems and undertakings. It also gives the company the liberty to move ahead by outlining the most basic steps, time and time again. Moving ahead with the discussion of the systems and processes, these need to be discussed in-depth before one could actually know what kind of requirements there are to suffice them. This would mean that these systems and processes need to be properly analyzed and then only incorporated within the relevant scheme of things. The requirement therefore is to differentiate what the true systems and processes are and what kind of elements are not in line with what one calling them the systems and processes or mistaken by people on a number of different counts. When one discusses the tangent of Walmart, it is a given that there is a dire need to understand that Walmart’s performance objectives shall remain supreme no matter how tough it is to gather support, and these systems and processes can only work wonders when they are given a chance to highlight the grey areas which must be tapped and paint the strengths as and when required. This could be in the form of Walmart’s different undertakings that happen within the intermediary roles, the supplier side concerns or even the customers’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Letter - Essay Example As for my country, I would like to come up with the best health care plan in the world where every citizen is entitled to free medical healthcare. With a healthy nation, the currency will increase in value thus, improving the economic level. For me to reach the presidency, people in my Arabian community would have had a greater share of me. This is only possible if I am their Governor. Following the discussions I had with a number of governors in Saudi Arabia, my people have been deprived their rights for a very long time. A time for change has come and with his guidance, I will sail through. During my years in college, I had started a community based group called â€Å"The Young Flames† which encourages young people to spearhead for real change and fight injustice. We have been able to reclaim over a hundred youths who had sunk into drug abuse and with this we thank ourselves. After college, I want to improve our group for it to become a national movement in future and am certain of this. My political science course has been the most enjoyable and with it, change is going to be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial Statement Analysis and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial Statement Analysis and Report - Essay Example Although the sales of Grand Company increased from BD7450 in year 5 to BD10660, there was a subsequent increase in the purchases and cost of sales leading to a fall in the gross profit margin. The operating profit margin also fell from 10% in year 5 to 5% in year 6. Grand Company earned a better gross profit of BD3500 in year 6 as compared to the gross profit of BD2915 in year 5. However, this was not sufficient in improving the operating margin of Grand Company as expenses increased drastically from year 5 to year 6. This drastic increase was due to the addition of interest expense on the bank loan taken by Grand Company to inject more funds into the business. Return on capital employed is a measure of assessing how much return a company is generating on the capital that is employed in the business. Grand Company took a bank loan in year 6 and hence had more capital as compared to year 5. However, the additional capital was not used efficiently and this is why the return on capital fell drastically from 12% in year 5 to 6% in year 6. Overall, the profitability of Grand Company deteriorated from the year 5 to the year 6. Grand Company should take measures to increase their revenue and reduce their costs in order to stay profitable and sustain their existence in the business. The liquidity of Grand Company remained stable from the year 5 to year 6. There was not much fluctuation in the current and acid test ratio. The efficiency of Grand Company improved in year 6. The cash conversion cycle improved indicating that Grand Company’s ability to earn cash improved in year 6. Grand Company took a bank loan to inject liquidity into the business which lead to the interest coverage ratio in the year 6. The EPS of Grand Company fell drastically from year 5 to year 6 due to the fall in the net income in year 6. Users of Financial Statements: Objective of Financial Statements is to produce information that is as useful as possible for many different types of users o f financial statements. Users of financial statements include: Investors: a potential investor uses the financial statements to find out if the investment is suitable or not in the prospective company. Analysts: An analyst uses the financial statements and recommends. Shareholders: Shareholders Regulatory authorities: Tax authorities may use financial statements of company to find out if the taxes are calculated in an appropriate manner. Financial institutions: banks and other lending companies assess the financial statements of a company before giving out loans to assess whether the company will be able to honor its obligations Trade Creditors: Trade creditors and vendors who supply goods on credit also use financial statements to assess the ability of a company to repay its short term debts. Owners and managers: they use the financial decision to make important strategic decisions that help the company to grow and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How Would You Value a Firm That You Were Trying To Purchase Research Paper

How Would You Value a Firm That You Were Trying To Purchase - Research Paper Example Holton and Bates 2009, elucidates that there are a number of methods through which a potential purchaser of a particular firm may apply in an effort to realize the value of that firm. The methods may include: Free Cash Flow Methods, Asset-Based Methods, Option-Based Valuation method, and the method of using Comparables, These tools or methods of valuations would in return assist the potential purchaser of the firm to analyze and make an informed purchasing choice. Discussion To begin with, the asset-based method can be efficiently used be an intending purchaser to value a give firm. This method reveals the book value of a firm’s equity. In simpler terms, the asset based method shows the asset value of a firm or a company, less the debts of the firm. According to Strauss, 2011, a potential purchaser of a firm may find this method of valuation helpful since a company’s equity is all that a firm can be left with in an instance where it suddenly halt its selling its product s or making money. This equity may be current assets, shareholders equity, and cash as tangible things, as well as brand name and management as intangible qualities. The shortcomings of this method however is that there are some hidden assets that cannot be revealed. This may happen in instances where a piece of a firm land was purchased years ago and the value of that land has been kept as it was despite the appreciation that has dramatically taken place. Another method may be used to value a firm is by using comparables. This method is one of the most common means through which a company valuation is done by simply using the earnings that a company gets. The earnings of a firm sometimes referred to as the net profit or net income can be said to be the amount of money that a firm is left with after it has paid all its bills or debts. In most cases, earning of a firm is measured according to the earnings per share. Earnings per share can be calculated by dividing the amount of earni ng a firm reports by the outstanding number of shares the firm has. Even though this method may be helpful to an individual intending to purchase a given firm, it falls short of other aspects of valuing a firm such as the firm assets which are an importance aspect of valuation in any business (Mayo 2010) Further, free cash flow method may be used in an attempt to value the worth of a given firm. Even though most of the individual investors are not conversant with cash flow, this method is commonly used for valuation of both private and public firms especially by the bankers. Cash flow can be described as the company’s earnings before taxes, interest amortization and depreciation. This method may however be ineffective in valuing a firm worth and the actual business earnings since the taxes and other costs are not subtracted from the general earning. Taxes payable by a given firm may vary depending on the laws governing taxation in a particular financial year and even though t he earnings of a given firm may be hefty the amount of taxes may be large thus the secondary costs or company’s profits may be uncertain. Finally, a person may opt to use the option based method to value the worth of a firm before purchasing that firm. There are several other techniques of firm valuation as aforementioned

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The art of the body adornment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The art of the body adornment - Essay Example It ias also found in areas such as Egypt, Uganda and other Middle Eastern and African countries. The plant is used for body art because it contains a property called tannins which allows the plant to exhibit color when ground up finely and mixed with hot water. One of the practical uses of henna is as a cooling agent. One can rub the mix on hands or feet in order to cool down in hot, Middle Eastern and African countries with extremely hot, dry climates. Henna is also commonly used as a form of hair dye. When it is used however for the purposes of body art, it is mixed with oils and sugars. Henna can be known as some of the following names, â€Å"henne, Al-Khanna, Jamaica Mignonette, Egyptian Privet and Smooth Lawsonia, the art of its application is referred to as henna (Arabic) or mehndi (Indian)† (Islamic, 2006). Historically speaking, henna has been used for as much as 5,000 years for both its healing properties and for cosmetic purposes. Today henna is used in place of tattoos from time to time as it is not permanent. Henna designs can last on the skin for several weeks as opposed to the permanence of getting a tattoo. Culturally however, Hanna has significance in the Muslim religion as well as other religions. Many historians believe that henna originated in India with the Hindu culture but other historians have reason to believe that it originated in Egypt around the twelfth century. It is also possible that henna was used even earlier by certain African countries as well as countries in the Middle Eat. Many archeologists have found henna markings on the fingers and toes of mummified pharos. Hindu body decoration has been used within the Islamic faith but also within Jewish, Hindu, Christian and even pagan religions. Although henna has been used for religious purposes in many cases, it is known to have been used by working

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration in the U.S Term Paper

Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration in the U.S - Term Paper Example Legal immigration benefits the U.S. each year; however, it’s illegal counterpart does not. Illegal immigration in the Unites States creates big problems for many businesses. "Three hundred thousand illegal immigrants enter the Unites States each year" (Green 4). Every year many illegal immigrants sneak across the U.S. borders, or forge the right papers. Many businesses in rural areas hire illegal immigrants knowingly for outrageously low prices. This hiring is not only degrading to the appearance of the US, but is unfair to other businesses that hire U.S. citizens. Illegal immigrants create greater competition between businesses, but for the ones that don't hire them it unbalances their earnings. Since illegal immigrants can be hired for much less than minimum wage, companies can maximize their profit by buying products cheaply, and cutting costs in staffing their facilities. The United States government has tried to enforce laws about the employment of illegal aliens, but has given up time and time again. Some employers may have even employed an illegal immigrant without even knowing it. Some immigrants obtain the papers for a citizenship, but instead of getting them signed by officials, they forge them and end up getting away with it. â€Å"Politicians, scholars, and citizens alike pronounce the immigration policy â€Å"broken,† as the number of illegal immigrants has reached an estimated 11 million.† (Papademetriou 2005). The issues of both immigration and naturalization are currently extremely sensitive and important issues facing the United States. The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 clearly asserts that no illegal aliens are allowed into the United States. â€Å"In 2008 alone, 1,305 bills related to illegal immigration were introduced in the United States; 206 laws and resolutions were passed in 41 states.† (National Conference of State Legislatures 2009). Immigration and naturalization laws must be enforced in the U nited States, and without it America would become overpopulated and immigration would be out of control. The INS was organized in 1952 for the sole purpose of controlling immigration in to the United States. There are two ways of becoming a citizen of a country, which are by birth and naturalization. Naturalization is a process by which people become citizens from one country or region to another. Some countries do not allow naturalization or immigration due to over population circumstances. (Levey. 67). Illegal immigrants are breaking the federal law when they do not follow this process. Regardless of their reasons, they need to be held accountable for their actions. On February 7, 2003 the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) released its latest estimate for the size and growth of the illegal alien population in the United States. "The INS estimates that there were five million illegal aliens living in the United States, with the number growing by 275,000 each year."(Kobac h) New numbers are for the long term, illegal population is those who have been in the United States for at least one year. Many people question exactly how many illegal immigrants are really in the country. â€Å"In 2009 the Department of Homeland Security estimated that there were 1.68 million undocumented immigrants living in Texas. (The nation as a whole is said to have 10.8 million, according to the DHS; Texas has the second highest number of

Destiny of a Hero Essay Example for Free

Destiny of a Hero Essay Upon reading or watching the epic tales of heroes, it is easy to overlook the connection they all share. From his writings in, A Hero With A Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell brings to light the journey of a hero in â€Å"the rights of passage: separation – initiation – return: which might be named the nuclear unit of the monomyth.† (Campbell, 30) The epic tale of a hero follows the universal pattern of Campbell’s monomyth beginning with the separation, or call to adventure leaving one’s family, friends, or tribe. Followed by the initiation of the crossing the threshold into the world unknown where he encounters trials and is victorious. S/he can then return home with a â€Å"boon† to aid and/or restore his/her world. According to Campbell, â€Å"[o]ther [monomyths] string a number of independent cycles into a single series (as in the Odyssey).† (Campbell, 246) In Beowulf, the poet has sent Beowulf on his journey of the monomyth. However, like Csmpbell has written, Beowulf’s journey consist of three miniature monomyths that can be connected into one hero’s journey that take several decades of his life to complete. In the first cycle, consider Beowulf’s initial call to adventure. King Hrothgar was in desperate need of a hero to rid of is curse, Grendel, that terrorizes his people in the Mead Hall. Capbell writes, â€Å"[w]ith the personifications of his destiny to guide him, the hero goes forward until he comes to the ‘threshold guardian.’† (Campbell, 77) He claims â€Å"that there is a benign power supporting him in his superhuman passage.† (Campbell, 97) Recall the incredibly fierce storm in the sea Beowulf and the Geats had to endure on their journey that should swallowed them whole. Campbell claims that there are forces beyond the hero that guide him to his destiny. Upon arrival, Beowulf and his thanes are confronted at Heorot by the first threshold guardian. Here, according to Campbell, the hero must â€Å"defeat or conciliate† the guardian in order for the true adventure to begin. Beowulf conciliates the watchman to take him and his thanes to the Mead Hall. From  there, Beowulf falls into the next step of the monomyth, entering â€Å"the kingdom of the dark.† (245) Beowulf’s fight with Grendel, which takes place in the darkness in the Mead Hall, wins him the boon, the arm of Grendel. â€Å"The final work is that of the return. . . the common day.† (Campbell, 216, 246) Upon winning the boon, the curse of King Hrothgar had been lifted and the community had been restored. In return, Beowulf undergoes apotheosis from the community and is rewarded with the royal dragon horn. The next two cycles follow much of the same pattern of Campbell’s monomyth. His next call to adventure comes in the form of murders. Beowulf wakes in the morning after the celebration only to see his men killed and hung from the ceiling of the Mead Hall. Once again, the hero had to travel to the cave where Grendel’s mother resided – into the unknown. There, he had entered the cave, crossing the threshold, where â€Å"[t]he hero . . . is swallowed into the unknown.† (Campbell, 90) and is confronted by its guardian, which happened to be Grendel’s mother. However, Beowulf does not defeat her, but is rather seduced by her as well as her promises to make him all-powerful, and â€Å"through the graces of some male or female . . . the [hero] still must return with his life-transmuting trophy.† (Campbell, 193) Beowulf returns to the world familiar with his boon, the â€Å"head of Grendel’s mother.† King Hrothgar immediately knows that Beowulf is lying, however he and the community appraise him to an even higher apotheosis and Hrothgar declares Beowulf his heir after his soo n-to-be death. Beowulf’s final call to adventure comes in the form of a dragon burning Unferth’s home and family. Leaving Unferth alive to deliver the message to King Beowulf: â€Å"[t]he sins of the fathers.’† For one final time, Beowulf crosses the threshold (that being the cave) into the unknown and is confronted by its guardian, Grendel’s mother. Failing to conciliate with her, Beowulf enters the threshold of adventure, literally taking the form of a dragon battle. However, in this battle, Beowulf struggled in his magic flight in trying to defeat the dragon and had to descend into his own death in order to slay the creature. Beowulf had brought the boon to his people in the form of freedom from the dragon and received the ultimate apotheosis in that his name will be remembered forever as the â€Å"prince of all warriors†. Viewing Beowulf’s entire life as one hero’s journey on a grand scale, it follows Campbell’s paradigm. In Beowulf’s separation, his call to adventure was when he heard that Hrothgar was in need of a hero to kill Grendel. Beowulf sets sail along with his fellow Geats to the world unknown and must endure the trials and ordeals along the way. Beowulf, being aided by some force of supernatural power on his travels out in the powerful sea storm, no match for ordinary man. Upon his arrival, Beowulf enters the first threshold into the Dark World, that being the Mead Hall, and then battling the threshold guardian, Grendel. After the defeat of Grendel, Beowulf is given his first apotheosis, as the people of Heorot praise him and he was rewarded the royal dragon horn. However, the trials are not over for Beowulf, as after his men are murdered, his next task is to kill Grendel’s mother. Here, he crosses the threshold into the unknown once again and into the â€Å"belly of the whale† (the cave) and meeting the â€Å"queen† (Grendel’s mother). Beowulf enters the initiation element of Campbell’s monomyth. Although there was no battle, Beowulf had been defeated. Not physically, but Grendel’s mother had been successful in seducing Beowulf with her promises in exchange for the dragon horn, thus binding them in a â€Å"sacred marriage†. Beowulf then travels back to the community and is raised to an even grander apotheosis as he is made their king. It takes Beowulf some decades later to reach the final stage of Campbell’s outline, the hero’s return. After years of being an almighty king, Beowulf once again receives the special item, the dragon horn, and then the village is literally attacked by a dragon. This bring Beowulf to the crossing of the return threshold (the cave). Immediately on his arrival, he goes on the magic flight in his battle with the dragon. These set of events lead him into the final stages of the hero’s journey. Beowulf slayed the beast at the cost of his own life as well. He achieves the ultimate apotheosis and his name will always be remembered and the people will sing of it. Beowulf has won a temporary boon (peace from the dragon and Grendel’s mother’s wrath) for the people of Heorot. Temporary because Wiglaf (new king) receives that special item (dragon horn) and it is unknown what actions he will take with Grendel’s mother. â€Å"The adventure of the hero normally follows the pattern of the nuclear unit . . . a separation from the world, a penetration to some source of power, and a life enhancing return.† (Campbell, 35) There is no doubt that the story of Beowulf follows Campbell’s monomyth cycle of a hero’s journey. Beowulf’s entire journey actually consists of three miniature journeys embedded into one grand journey that is Beowulf’s monomyth.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effects of Public Policies and Government Entities on Social Class Essay Example for Free

Effects of Public Policies and Government Entities on Social Class Essay As discussed earlier, there can be many aspects that may affect social classes and these changes and differences can be seen almost everywhere. In this society, starting from schools, workplaces, clothes, music and even the lives in which people live in are all affected in one way or the other by social class. When it comes to a school, teachers may favor students coming from higher classes, and consider them as more intelligent and smarter than the others But this is not absolutely true, since there is simply no evidence that children of lower classes have lower levels of intelligence. Having said this, it is quite obvious when it comes to answering the question of who has the most power in the Country, it would be those who have money. Public Policies and the governmental rules and regulations are enforced within a country in order to minimize threats and inequalities and maintain and equal, prosperous and rightful nation. Governments and public policies are not supposed to be bias and it is definitely not enforced in order to support the rich and suppress the poor. Plus all these rules and regulations are considered to be common to all people living in the country and not just to a certain segment of it. But in the current context, this is rarely the case. Even the government is buried under the soil of power, money and greed, forgetting about all the norms and values of creating equalization among the society. The Sri Lankan Government, for example differentiates its ways of treating and benefitting people according to their social classes and mostly with regard to power and money. Here, the higher your social class is, the higher privilege you will receive, and those with high power will have more benefits and consolation when it comes to establishing public policies. True, there are more than enough criminal laws, and various other rules established in the society, but none of these may seem the least bit important to those who are within the high power hierarchy. All the lower class people, the poor, and oppressed will be the only ones who are punished, and to whom against the government may take high legal action. It brings great curiosity to me, when thinking about, how long the government and politician will be able to fool the power people of the country into thinking that law is the same for everyone! For example, if you take into consideration the Sri Lankan court system, we can see thousands of people flocking in courts, just to get to their hearing. Poor eople, with very minor faults and accused faults are kept in prison for ages, since they are unable to pay a little of their debt money to the courts and those from richer and classier families, are taken in to custody, questioned and then simply let off, no matter how big their crime is. This is one of the main reasons as to why, there are so many strikes and industrial unrest occurring in the country when poorer people try to take things to their own hands when justice is to laid upon them by law. The effects of social classes on the 2012 US election lies unknown to me, since I do not have enough information and facts in order to elaborate my point. Therefore, let me bring forth a situation where the issue of social classes affected the elections in Sri Lanka. For a person in the higher classes, it is not of much importance on who wins the election. No matter who wins and comes to power, they know that, similarly they will also have enough power in order to get what they need and survive in the society, arm to arm with the politicians. Although the citizens are entitled to free speech and right to vote, always the one with greater power and a certain level of cunningness will always get the poor peoples votes, win and then gradually wash their hands over the people who brought the win to them. It is a well known fact that most of the cabinet holders are of the upper class. And the oppositions, who are known to be the party that benefits the common people in the country, are also packed with upper class people, who do not even have the necessary educational qualifications in order to get there. The people of lower classes will always want a government that provides them with enough benefits and appreciation for the work they do. They would also dream of and era, where the poor and the rich would be treated the same and they wouldn’t have to be oppressed and ignored and given priority when it comes to getting their work done at a government institute. If the poor have to stay in long queues for hours, then the law should be that, no matter how big you are, they should also follow the same procedure. Yes, I do agree with the authors opinion,, since the author has clearly illustrated through figure 7, that poverty is unequally distributed according to race and that statics show how, mostly colored people are considered to be the poor and families with women heads are considered to be poorer than those lead by men. It is certain that the inequality among the class groups will further strengthen if necccassary precautions and actions are not taken by the authorities that are responsible.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Semantic Deviation In Pride And Prejudice English Language Essay

Semantic Deviation In Pride And Prejudice English Language Essay Jane Austin was an English novelist. Her books are notable for the wit, social observation and insights into the lives of early 19th century women. She was born in 1775 in Hampshire. She began to write when she was a teenager. Her first novel was Sense and Sensibility which was published in 1811.The second novel she wrote was Pride and Prejudice. This novel became very famous and was appreciated. Her next novel Mansfield Park was published in 1814, and then Emma in 1816.In 1816 Jane became ill due to Addisons disease. She died in Winchester on 18 July 1817. The two novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were published after her death. And a final novel was left incomplete. Pride and Prejudice was the most popular novel of Jane Austin. The story of the novel takes place in early nineteenth century. Critics praised Jane Austens characterization and portrayal of everyday life. Human weakness is a prominent element in this novel. Austin made use of irony to expose foolishness and hypocrisy. Dialogue plays an important role in Pride and Prejudice. Each characters speech is appropriate. From the speech it is revealed that what they are like. Elizabeths talk is direct and outspoken, Mr. Bennetts speech is sarcastic, Mr. Collins speeches are very long and boring, Lydias speeches are carefree and not serious. The incidences in Pride and Prejudice can be related to every day life i.e. embarrassments, foolishness, falling in love, realizing own mistakes, etc. Austens works possess a timeless quality, which makes her stories and themes as relevant today as they were two hundred years ago. Deviation means depart from an established course or normal standards. There are many types of deviation like syntactic or grammatical deviation, lexical deviation, graphological deviation, phonological deviation, and semantic deviation. In this research the main focus is on Semantic deviation. Semantic deviation shows that a word or phrase can have many different meanings. A word can be taken in different contexts. The real meaning can be different from apparent meaning. Semantic deviation includes irony, paradox, metaphor, simile, pun, style. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW Dr.Sarala Krishnamurthy examined the lexis of Selman Rushdies Midnight Childrens.The method she applied was both qualitative and quantitative. In this research she worked on the use of neologism, compound words, and borrowing in the novel. According to her examination the most important feature in Rushdies work is the use of neologism. The neologism is identified in two ways : morphological and borrowing. In the novel the Indian words are given affixation, such as Pajamas, phirangis. With these words affixation s is used to convert them into plural form. The second type of neologism used is the Indian suffix are attached to English words, such as cousin ji and sister ji. The suffix ji in Urdu and Hindi is attached to any noun. The third type is when with English root morpheme, Hindi root morpheme is attached, such as: Paan shop, hot channa, Indian fauj. In these words Paan, channa and fauj are Hindi morphemes which are attached to English morphemes. Compound words are also formed by taking words from both the languages. The example of compound words is: dia lamp, where dia is the equivalent of the word lamp. The suffix y is also used with words, such as: shivery, glass cloudy, house wifery. The affixation ed is also used to create neologisms. Rushdie creates many adjectival forms by adding affix ed. The examples are: One eye browed, many headed, etc. The affixation ing is also used, which leads to the formation of compound words, such as: lip jutting, crazy sounding. The notable point is that all the examples given are used for the first time in Midnights Children and this extend the resources of English language. In this novel the compound words are formed in different ways. The ways are unusual collocation, co-joined words, word clusters, and noun phrases. The example of the each way is given below: Unusual collocation: 1. Biriyanis of determination 2. Carrot and stick affair Co-joined words: 1. whatsitsname what is its name 2. Godknowswhat God knows what 3. Talldarkhandsome tall dark handsome Word clusters: 1. they we should 2. patience wait Noun Phrases: 1. two day long procession 2. losing national dice game 3. Going to pot The last thing to be noted in the novel is borrowing. The words are borrowed from Urdu, such as: khansamaa, maulvi saab. The names of Hindu gods are also used, such as: ganesh, hanuman. The names of Hindi dishes, such as: lassi, khichri, ladoo are used in the novel. The names of Indian clothing: dupatta, kurtaa, pajama, are also made part of the novel. Indian expressions and the words of other languages that are spoken in India are also used in the novel. In the end Sarala concludes that these lexis are important because it is lexical deviation and the other reason she gives is that the usage of these words tell the world about the Indian word expressions. Agemo, Oluwatosin Stella examined The stylistic analysis of some selected poems of Wole Soyinka. He mentioned that the writer makes use of unusual word order in the form of Anastrophe and parenthesis. Examples are: In vain your bangles cast charmed circles at my feet (Abiku). Caught I was, foully (Telephone Conversation). This word order interrupts the normal syntactical flow of the sentence, to create emphasis and to capture the attention of the reader. The writer has also made use of word omission, i.e. ellipsis and asyndeton. Examples are: Must I weep for goats and cowries. For palm oil and sprinkled ask? (Abiku) I saw your jealous eye quench the Seas Flourescence, dance on the pulie incessant (Night) This creates shortness of time, emphasis or ambiguity. The scheme of repetition is also used in the poems. Repetition is used deliberately for the sake of emphasis. It helps to grasp the attention of the reader. The lexico-syntactic choices i.e. similie and metaphor are also used in abundance in the poem. These are used to give clearness and liveliness to words. Examples are: Similie: I bear no bear no heart mercuric like the clouds (Night). As lightning shrink to ants antenna (To my first white hairs). Metaphor: Ill be the suppliant snake coiled on the doorstep (Abiku). The comparison is made between two words that are different from each other and they are bond together to create similarity between them. Instances of hyperbole, hypernyms, onomatopoeia, synecdoche, pun, assonance, consonance are also present in the poem. The usage of these schemes and tropes provide musical effect and color to the poems. Graphological deviation is also present in the poem like capitalization, bold print, and spacing. All of these things found out together give effective meaning. To convey the meaning to the reader and to grasp their attention the language used should be meaningful. Soyinka use of language conveys the meaning to the reader that what the poet wants to convey. The stylistical devices help the poet to beautify and give rhythm to the text. By this analysis it is shown that there is a difference between poetic and non-poetic language. Bahaa-Eddin M. Mazid examined A stylistic analysis of Larkins Talking in Bed. According to his analysis the lexical items, with different connotations and denotations, grammatical structures, categories all combine together to produce three main isotopies of the poem i.e. language, love and nature. These items also establish the cohesive chains and the three sub-worlds of the poem- the tenseless, present and past. In the poem an emotional linguistic predicament of a couple is encountered, who cannot communicate and who used to be honest. Now they are unable to speak the truth and to be nice. The thing which is more problematic is that there is no one to help and conjure them. This is the context of the poem, it tells about the interpersonal relation ships. The poem consists of twelve lines. The first stanza consists of two clauses. And the second stanza starts with adverbial clause Lying together. The qualities and attributes associated with human beings are lasting only for a short time than those associated with natural objects and other phenomenon.Talking in bed is a metalinguitic poem. The poem is about the use, misuse and abuse of language. One isotopy that cross cuts the nature and the love isotopies is that of night. Thus, in bed, lying together, dark towns and isolation finds their ideal environment in the night. Night, sex and love are closely related with each other. The intimate style is filled with ellipsis, nonverbal communication and private code characteristics. Human involvement is more obvious in the last two clauses in the poem. In the whole poem the theme is dark, tone is bleak with disappointment. Irony is also the dominant feature of the poem. There is a mismatch between imagination and reality.Talking in bed is as modern as The Wasteland. It is about the agony of alienation, the irony of senseless sex-pillow-talk that cannot be easy and bed partnership that can no longer be honest the loss of faith in communion and the death of true or kind language. The poem is true to its own genre and author. In this the writer does The brief stylistic analysis of The Great Gatsby. The play describes the hollowness of the upper class. It also tells us about that what happened to the American dream. In the play Fitgerald made use of imagination and symbolism to present the moral history of his time.The use of symbolism made his work to connect the objective with the subjective. He starts the novel in the present, narrates the important events of the story. In chapter 4,6 and 7 the writer gradually reveals the story of Gatsbys past. In chapter 9 the past and the present come together. The key to the structure of the novel is the combination of the first person narrative and the revelation of the past gradually. The two devices worked together perfectly. If anyone of these was not used than the meaning will not be delivered clearly. In section 1 of the play abstract nouns and many multi-syllable adjectives are used, such as: riotous (adj.)  ¼Ã…’ excursion (n.) ¼Ã…’privileged (adj.) g limpse (n).The formal words are also used,such as exempt, register. The psychology of Nick is revealed by the use of multi-syllable adjectives. The sentence structure is complex. The internal complex and feelings of Nick are described in three sentences only in the first section of the play. Long but simple sentences are used in the section 2.there is one subjective clause and several coordinate sentences. For example, Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner and thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.The simile is also used in the Great Gatsby. The sentence Her voice is full of money is a metaphor. The purpose of using metaphor is to give readers aesthetic sense. In the end the analyst concludes that the language used in the play is formal. And it appeals to the reader. Dan McIntyre examined The stylistic analysis of E.E.Cummings poem.The title of the poem is listen. The poem is basically about the arrival of the spring and the happiness and joys it brings. On the other hand the poem also seems to be an address to the lover; the poet wants his lover to enjoy with him, the arrival of spring. The themes of spring, nature, sex and man are interred related with each other. The subject matter of the poem is not complex. There are many stylistic features present in the poem. The lexical features of the poem are examined. The poem mostly consists of nouns and verbs. Most of the nouns are concrete and only two are abstract .i.e. dream and miracle. The verbs used create a sense of immediacy. All the verbs which are marked for tense are in the present tense. We have present simple verbs .i.e. barks, present progressive forms .i.e. are [eagerly], tumb/ling, and o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are. The poet also made use of adverb of manner, which conveys a sense of speed. The adverbs used are: (quickly), excitement (crazily, eagerly) and inevitability (irrevocably).Directive verbs are used to address to the other person .i.e. (listen, look, come  (x2),  run  (x2),  jump, shout, laugh, dance, cry, sing). These are used to request the addressee to enjoy the coming of the spring with the poet. For example, in the lines run run/with me now and sing)for its Spring. There is no neologism in the poem but some words are arranged in the poem in strange way. For example the word wonderful is divided in two lines, dividing it into two morphemes .i.e. wonder  and  ful. First the word gives the expression of noun wonder and if it is read again it seems to be the adjective wonderful. The most striking effect in {listen} is the use of deviations. Throughout the poem graphological deviation is present. The poet has deliberately capitalized the words in the middle of the sentence. The last line of the poem is highly fore grounded because all the letters are capitalized. Grammatical deviation is also used in the poem. Punctuations are applied where they are not required. An example would be in lines 12 and 13 o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are(leaves;flowers)dreams. Cummings has break grammatical conventions to convey the simultaneously coming thoughts. Due to which the groups of nouns run together without any punctuation. (E.g. lines 3 to 6 and line 22).the definite and indefinite references are within the same clause. i.e. this a  dog barks. The possible explanation could be that the poet uses this to refer that he is talking about the particular dog and on the other hand he uses a to refer that he is not familiar with the dog. Graphological parallelism is also used by the poet. All the first lines of the next stanza are separated by the above lines by double space. The poem has no rhyme scheme of regularity. There is no strict pattern adopted by the poet. In conclusion Cummings deliberately chooses to use such seemingly odd stylistic techniques in (listen). Stylistic helps the reader to understand the things in the text which are otherwise not understandable easily. Dominique Costa examined A stylistical analysis of Thomas Hardys: The Ruined maid. In the poem the lexical items used belong to variety of languages. The geographical, temporal, social dialects clearly appear in the poem. Terms such as thee, thou used belong to regional dialect. There occurrence is purposeful. Hardy used this device to draw the attention of the reader towards the characteristics of the country people. Expressions like digging potatoes, spudding up docks and barton belong to rural lexis. This enhances the young women social origin. The words like bracelets, dress, gloves which are associated with women are used frequently. Hardy uses expression related to feminity such as my dear, delicate cheek, delicate face. From this it is shown that the theme of woman hood is prevalent in the poem. Conjunctions are also used frequently. The conjunctions such as and, but are significant. The poem is built in parallel structures; two types of parallelism within the sentences are also used. The examples of parallelism are: In The Ruined Maid lexis, cohesion, syntax, sound plays a dominant role. References to the past and present are also constant ion the poem. The setting of the play is temporal. Metin TÄ °MUÇÄ °N examined A stylistic study to explore the language of poems. The goal was to perceive the meaning and understanding the language of the text. The text which is taken into consideration is the poem of Siegfried Sassoon`s The Rear-Guard and Wilfred Owenss Anthem for Doomed Youth. The paper not only focuses on analyzing the text but also argues in favor of exploiting language based approaches in literature. In Sassoons The Rear-Guard the poet uses the poetic language of violence. The poet has himself experienced the violence as a soldier in world war 2.the themes of the poem are violence, and the trenches of the war. On the other hand in the poem of Wilfred Owenss Anthem for Doomed Youth the relations with family, army, poetry and Church are depicted. Sassoon and Owen both deal with the atrocities of the war. In Anthem for Doomed Youth in order to reveal the agonies, violence, silence of a family in mourning, sorrows of the people, Owen makes use of bot h the terms of army and church. In both the poems the words related with war are present i.e. guns, rapid rattle, stuttering rifles. Owen also uses the discourse of the church like: bells, prayers, mourning, choirs, candles, holly glimmers. In Owens poem we have lexical groupings of war and church. The main focus of the analysis was that how the words used convey the meaning to the reader. In The Rear Guard the feelings of a person are described who has himself faced the atrocities of war and he thinks that war is evil and unjust. It destroys the lives of people. In Owens poem Anthem for Doomed Youth the poet by using linguistic devices gives the message and lesson to the world that war should be prohibited. The war is not an enjoyable thing; it destroys the lives of people, homes and countries. Masanori Miyata examined Types of linguistic devices in Oliver Twist. The six types of deviation present in Oliver twist are taken under consideration. The phonological deviation is present in the dialogue of Gamfield, which shows typically substandard or vulgar language. The words of his speech are: acause(because),afore(before),nothink(nothing),etc. Graphological deviation is also part of the novel. The author uses parenthesis within the dialogue to reveal the inner thoughts of the character. For example: Have the goodness to look at me, said Mr.bumble, fixing his eyes upon her. (If she stands such an eye as that, said Mr. Bumble to himself. She can stand anythingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (Mr. Bumble, XXXVII, 268) Capital letters and dashes are also used within the dialogue. In the dialogue by Fagin, Fagin retorted Nancy with rage in capital letters. WILL. Neologisms are also invented in the play. i.e. Greenland, merry-go-rounder. Dicken invented special terms like: beadlehood, henpeckery, half-baptized. New compound words are formed by combining two lexical items with hyphens; like: psalm-singers, concept-making, surgeons-friend, and orange-peel. Mr. Bumble add suffixes -er and -est. with adjectives in his dialogues, which normally proceed more and most in Standard English. Examples are: obstinater, ungratefullest, He also uses double superlatives i.e. most bare-facedest. Dickens also uses vague phrase; like: certain soft nothings. Oxymorons are also evident. For example: good unhealthy port, logically contradict but contextually consistent. Paradox like: night so long, and yet so short, are also applied by Dickens. Synecdoche, metaphor, simile all are the part of the play. Dickens ion his novel has used approximately all types of deviations, schemes, tropes and lexical features. Irony is prevalent throughout the novel. In conclusion Dickens creates new words and skillfully manipulates it in his novel. . .. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Question: To analyze the semantic deviation in Jane Austins novel Pride and Prejudice 3.2. Delimitation: The text which is to be analyzed is Pride and Prejudice. It consists of 61 chapters, but the focus will be on first 25 chapters of the novel. The text will be analyzed semantically. The focus will be on semantic deviations used by the writer. The real meaning inherent in the apparent meaning will be focused. 3.3. Theoretical Framework: Stylistics is the study of style of language. It describes the usage of language in speech, written works and public affairs. Deviations are a part of stylistic analysis. Deviation means depart from an established course or normal standards. There are many types of deviation, like semantic, syntactic, graphological, register and grammatical deviation. But the focus in this research is only on semantic deviation. The main points which would be under consideration during semantic analysis of the novel will be irony, metaphor, paradox, pun, style.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ecuador And Democracy :: essays research papers fc

Ecuador and Democracy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Briefly, democracy is a matter of degree and quality. Confusion often arises in discussion about democracy. This stems from the different premises people have in mind when they use the term. In my opinion, most people fail to specify their underlying premises, and we often incorporate into our sense of democracy disparate factors that may or may not relate to it. To avoid such confusion, we must identify the key ideas central to democracy and clarify precisely how the term will be used. The best way to study democracy is to learn the other countries, so in this time I choose one of Latin American countries, Ecuador for well-understanding of the process of democracy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ecuador is graphically one of the world's most varied countries despite its small size, which at 283520 sq. km is about the size of either New Zealand or Nevada State. Ecuador staddles the equator on the Pacific coast of South America and is bordered by only two countries, Colombia to the north and Peru to the south and east.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The estimated population of Ecuador in 1991 was 10,800,00. This is approximately 10 times the number of Indian estimated to have been living in the area at the time of the Spanish conquest. The population density of about 38 people per sq. km is the highest of any South American nation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Like other Latin American countries, the major religion is Roman Catholicism. Some of the older cities have splendid 16th and 17th-century Catholic churches. Although churches of other faiths can found, they form only a very small minority. The Indians, while outwardly Roman Catholic, tend to blend Catholicism with their traditional beliefs. In Ecuador, Spanish is the main language. Most Indians are bilingual, with Quechua being their preferred language and Spanish their second tongue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ecuador, that is the smallest of the Andean countries, is a republic with a democratic government headed by a president. The first constitution was written in 1830, but has had several changes since then, the most recent in 1978. Democratically elected governments have regularly been toppled by coups, often led by the military. Since 1979, however, all governments have been freely elected. All literate citizens over 18 have the vote and the president must receive over 50% of the vote to be elected. With at least 13 different political parties, 50% of the vote is rarely achieved, in which case there is a second round between the top two contenders. A president governs for a maximum of five years and cannot be reelected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The recent elections were in 1988, with 10 candidates running for

The Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

The Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tragedy concerns itself with the downfall of a protagonist (or the tragic hero) that suffers crushing defeat or death. Brutus certainly fits in as the protagonist of Julius Caesar and the tragic hero. Since Brutus was one of the main characters of the play, it would be obvious that he would be the tragic hero of the play as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The downfall of the protagonist occurs through a tragic flaw of the protagonist. Brutus' tragic flaw was making bad judgments. For example, he let Antony speak at Caesar's funeral, he let Antony live and also he marched to Phillipi. Since the Romans liked Brutus, they thought that if he killed Caesar, then he had a good reason for it. However, if Brutus had not let Antony speak at the funeral, the people would not have turned against him and the other conspirators. Antony was not Caesar's best friend, like Brutus; he just wanted everybody to be against Brutus so they could follow him. Letting Antony live was very poor judgment. Brutus committed suicide because Antony defeated his army. If Antony were killed, Brutus would have never committed suicide himself. The march to Phillipi was also a bad idea because if they hadn't gone everybody wouldn't have been killed. Brutus also made poor judgment on his friend Cassius. Cassius was the one persuading Brutus to become one of the conspirators, if he hadn't listened to Cassius, he wouldn't have killed Caesar. Brutus was one of Caesar's best friends, but he was not the greatest friend in the world. He killed his own best friend. Also, as good as a friend Brutus was to Caesar, it appeared as though Brutus loved Rome and it's people more. 'If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.'; (3.2.21-24) Loving Rome more than his own friend was another of Brutus' tragic flaw. He was more loyal to people he's never met before, than his own friend. If Brutus did not love Rome more, he would not have killed his good friend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If Brutus felt so strongly that to save Rome he had to assassinate his own best friend that definitely must show something. Brutus killed Caesar for the people of Rome's sake, not for his own. A true hero would think of other people before thinking of himself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Anna and Emma and the arts :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The arts, in many different forms, played a major role in the events and outcomes of both Emma’s and Anna’s life. The arts impacted major decisions in both of the characters lives. Whether it was an initial spark or a driving force, art played many roles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though they initially met at the train station, the met once again at a ball they both attend. While they were at the ball they fell into their routine of dancing and socializing. Vronsky sought out Anna when he saw her but when they finally came together for the first time, that would be the beginning of the end for Anna. They were in the moment and the music helped put both of them in a trance with each other. This was the first time that the arts were involved in Anna and Vroksky coming together. This ball caused Anna great excitement inside her but also caused some pain to Kitty. When Kitty saw them together she knew, right at that moment, she had lost Vronsky to Anna. She apologized to Dolly for any hurt feelings that may have arose at the ball with Kitty. I think that underneath her talk with Dolly, Anna enjoyed the affect that she had on Vronsky. When she finally returns home from the exciting ball, her life at home does not excite her as she thought i t would.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These balls and types of parties are something that were normal to Anna. In her class, society, and near friends, these events are of everyday occurrence. The only art that Anna takes part in is only the best her class has available to her. She is very high in status in her marriage with Karenina. They have a status and look to uphold. They drag each other to these great dancing balls or enormous parties and drink and talk about the same old thing every time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vronsky knows about this type of class enough to know the right person who knows the right people. It was all about who you were friends with and who you were connected with. The society of balls and parties was the preference for Anna. Vronsky knew they would meet at these types of events. Vronsky played the arts the right way to conquer his â€Å"fair maiden.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anna also has a chance to see Vronsky in a different way when they went to the races.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Money supply in the United States Essay

Money supply in the United States, and indeed any other economy using a central banking reserve system, is controlled and managed by a limited number of private banks working together for their own benefit instead of the benefit of the nation. As Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States allegedly once said, â€Å"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs (Quotations Page). Money supply in the United Stated is expanded in line with a fractional reserve policy. This policy whereby the banks retain a fraction of their total deposits, and are then able to lend the rest means there will always be a constantly expanding money supply, and this will always be a multiple larger than the actual amount of base money that is made by the Federal Reserve. This multiple is known as the money multiplier and is calculated by the Federal Reserve based around its reserve requirement and other fiscal regulations. The importance of financial intermediation cannot be understated, as this is required in order to manage the banking and monetary system and to try and avoid banking panics, to serve as the central bank for the government, and to manage the nations’ supply of money through economic policies which try to maximize employment, minimize taxation, and produce positive gross domestic product. The significance of banker’s taste for excess reserves on the Fed’s ability to expand the money supply shows that the fractional reserve system is not perfect and that to gain maximum control over the money multiplier and the supply of money, reserves are needed to manipulate fiscal information to the banker’s benefit. These assets are counted as reserves due to the fact that they are not necessary for the bank to hold these reserves as collateral against its lending, hence they are considered excess. The banks could use these reserves to aggressively increase loans or investments if they so wish. This is a key factor to consider here, that the banker’s taste limit the power of the Fed, as they may be able to undermine the central banking system of the United States by manipulating the money supply.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Quotations Page. 13 May 2010 .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Elevating Class and Language Between Two Plays Essay

A persons spoken communication is truly practic every last(predicate)y connected to his or her cordial perspective. A person from a steeper status w laid low(predicate) maintain a various dialect of the same wording than mortal from disdain status. People brought up in poor surroundings or p everyplacety argon keen to swearing and bring forth little concern to speaking powerful as their lyric was intended. People from high society argon the opposite. They are very much concerned with using their communicative skills and their rhetoric, and they are able employment it as a reverberate of power all over others. These ideas of language among familyes can be seen in the plays The Tempest, by William Shakespeare, and Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw. though Shaws play is much more(prenominal) focused on the language establish transmogrifyation of Eliza Doolittle, and the interaction between her and prof Higgins, Shakespeares creates a equal kinship between the modestl y Caliban, and his master Prospero. two plays show that a superficial heighten in education, or language, cannot realistically reposition a person or their social family, rather the real switchs to these characters are do internally. Both Eliza and Caliban come from poor backgrounds. Eliza is a very poor develop girlfriend with terrible English. She swears often, by saying bally(a) constantly between sentences. As Shaw describes her ab initio as the skin rash girl she is unsympathetically described as ugly and disgusting, Her sensory hair needs washing rather naughtily its mousy color can but be natural. She wears a shoddy swarthy coat that r apiecees nearly to her knees and is shaped to her shank (Shaw, 13).Even her accent makes her feel want a second household citizen. to a lower berth place all of this, Eliza is still a tall girl, Im a skinny girl, I am (2). Because The Tempest contains magic, Caliban is natural the son of the deceased witch Cycorax. the l ike Eliza, Caliban excessively maintains his pride as he believes he is the rightful possesser of the island which Prospero later on took control over. Also like Eliza, much of his oral communication is riddled with slurs and cursing. His demonic roue allows Prospero to treat him like a lower class, subhuman monster, similar to how Professor Higgins treats Eliza like a lower class citizen collectible to her looks, her demeanor, and consequently her social status as a flower girl.In response, Caliban responds with aversion whenever Prospero calls for him, As wicked dew as eer my mother brushd/ With ravens feather from morbid fen/ Drop on you some(prenominal)(prenominal) a south-west blow on ye/ And blister you all oer (20), and Prospero responds in kind by move spirits to harass him and pinch him. The period of the transformation that learning language had over both characters is limited to uni write nevertheless a tool for them to use while unfortunately (to their ma sters) bring throughing the same personality. What changes to Eliza is virtually definitely a surface take change and not a trench identity level change, at to the lowest degree finished the length of the experiment.Though Higgins manages to transform Elizas appearance from that of a low-status flower girl to that of a refined early lady, she remains a cockney flower girl underneath her facade of a straitlaced accent speaking proper English. Her real personality remains persistently unchanged until the end of the play. This is the same with Caliban who, through learning language from Prospero, remains bitter, hateful, and desirous throughout The Tempest. Caliban remains ungrateful for macrocosm taught language by Prospero, You taught me language, and my profit ont/ Is I know how to curse. The scarlet plague rid you /For learning me your language In this popular quote, Caliban uses the language taught to him a substantiatest Prospero to march his disgust towards Prosperos efforts to change him.It excessively draws a sharp similarity between the treatment between higher and lower classes in both plays. Elizas human consanguinity with Higgins language is similar to Calibans relationship with Prospero in that both Eliza and Caliban understand language as a reminder of their low social status compared to their masters. Both characters also remain ungrateful in the narratives of their masters, when they are mostly more concerned to keep their take in personal dignity. The difference in narratives between the characters learning language, and those educational activity it in both plays is very similar.Both Higgins and Prospero, in their understanding of what they are doing by teaching Eliza and Caliban language, are teaching them a counsel to elevate their status. Because both masters are concerned with social status, they believe their students should powerfully value their gifts of language education. Both Higgins and Prospero also consider their subjects highly ungrateful. When Higgins mother objects to his experiment, Higgens retorts, You energise no idea how frightfully provoke it is to take a human being and to change her into a quite opposite human being by creating a new speech for her. Its modify up the deepest gulf that separates class from class and soul from soul. (Shaw, 78), while believing that changing Elizas speech will not only change her class, but her soul.At the climax of the play between Higgins and Eliza, later Eliza asks to return the belongings Higgins gave and lent to her, Higgins becomes upset, If these belonged to me kinda of to the jeweler, Id ram them cut down your ungrateful throat. He feel so strongly the importance of language in self-improvement, that he failed to see that it did not have an honest impact on Eliza. This is similar to how Prospero views Caliban as ungrateful towards his teaching of language, Abhorred slave,/ Which every print of goodness wilt not take,/ Being capable of all ill I pitied thee,/ Took pains to make thee speak, taught thee each hourAs can be seen here, it is evident that Prospero painstakingly underlines and exaggerates the value of the language he taught Caliban. One thing or other when thou didst not, savage, /Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like/ A thing most brutish, I presentd thy purposes/ With words that made them known. still thy vile race,/ Though thou didst learn, had that int which/ good natures/ Could not back up to be with therefore wast thou/ deservedly confined into this rock,/ Who hadst deserved more than a prison. Here Prospero acknowledges that class and language, though related, are not necessarily tied together.He makes a point that Caliban cannot overcome his class through learning language. Swearing in Pygmalion has an interesting dual use. It is primarily evince in the word bloody by both Eliza and Higgins. Their use of it, however, shows the difference in class between the two. Eliza, who has been poor all her life, thinks nothing of using the word since she has been rough it all the time. It is a merely an adjective or a harmless form of expression to her. Shaw deliberately makes Elizas speech terrible in order to bring out that ones speech is prevail by their environment.Higgins, on the other hand, knows the use of this word and uses it to express his anger and frustration. at last Eliza does make use of her learned dialect, and it helps her greatly. It allows her to join a man of the upper class and start her own business, as Higgins foreshadowed.This change was only able to come nearly afterward the internal self notice she gained by defending her self-respect from Higgins after the slipper incident. Caliban, a slave who ironically speaks in the same noble verse and Prospero, also benefits from the learned language in the way he is perceived by the other characters in the play such as Trinculo. Though at moments they were both ungrateful, both Eliza and Caliban became empowered and were able to gain a sense of freedom from their own social class by learning language.

Characters of Zodiac Signs

What argon zodiac households? What do these augurys represent? The zodiac is an annual calendar method of twelve station or, ( hallows) along the ecliptic, path of the sunlight and across the heavens and recognized as the low gear known celestial coordinates system. Zodiac gulls consist of twelve betoken which argon random-access memory the first compress, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, bow man, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces being the finis of the signs. Zodiac signs belong to four different elements Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.Fire is a positive element as well as the element air. Fire focuses on a change of form to an different, as for air is associated with the spiritual deviate of deportment. However earth and water is a controvert element. Earth is a solid approve with mint on earth, as for water tends to mysterious energize water has no shape form or density. How do you know your zodiac sign? When you ar natural within a certain day of t he calendar month you be automatically assigned a zodiac sign.For exercising read/write memory are innate(p) between the geezerhood of edge 21 thru April 20, Taurus innate(p) April 21 thru May 21, Gemini born May 22 thru June 21, Cancer born June 22 thru July 22, Leo born July 23 thru August 21, Virgo born August 22 thru September 23, Libra born September 24 thru October 23, Scorpio born October 24 thru November 22, Sagittarius born November 23 thru December 22, Capricorn born December 23 thru January 20, Aquarius born January 21 thru February 19, Pisces born February 20 thru March 20. However all 12 signs are identical in ways.In my research, I identify my zodiac sign its characters Along with both other zodiac signs that interest e along my research. For my birthday are 14 July, my zodiac sign is the crabmeat that is symbolized as the crab. Cancers are govern by the moon, Cancers are actually kind and caring with friends, family, and lovers, and really emotional. But li ke the crab, the cancer protects their selves with an emotional shield. Cancers can be very dreary that changes with his/her environment. the likes of the moon it goes with phases, starting with the modernistic phase to the full phase. Cancer also goes through similar phases. Most cancers aroma one way that day then totally ol factory modality different the next day.But this singularity is part of their charm. Love and romance plays a to the highest degree(prenominal) important role to a cancer. No other sign romance is better than a cancer, and no other sign takes its emotion badly when things go sour. With their changeable native cancers are fascinating, mysterious, and stimulating soulfulnessalities. A cancer roughly secret desire is to feel safe, secure, and spiritual. Cancer is a very sensitive sign other than the other sign. Cancer also is inappreciative to criticism. Aries being the first zodiac sign gave me a vast deal of interest overdue to their trait and pec uliarity that they hold.Aries are natural born leaders, resplendent pioneer, very active and very naive. Aries is ruled by mars and is a fire sign like its element Aries tend to be adventurous and very accident prone due to their adventures. Aries live for the thrill in life. similarly Aries tend to be a obscure sign because of it manifold combination of masculine and effeminate expression all combined as one. Aries are doer not talker. This is why most Aries tend to have drama in their lives. Another good quality that this sign posse comitatus is that it thrives on competition and challenges.Aries are born between, March 21 thru April 20. The third zodiac sign that most interest me is the Libra. Libras are ruled by the satellite Venus. Libras are born between, September 24 thru October 23. Virgos are symbolized by a scale. Virgo is the only sign that is not represented by an animal or person and is the seventh zodiac sign. Libras seek equality, humanity, and balanced through life. Like the scale Libras represent balance nature. Libras are peace-loving, bore to learn, and sociable. Therefore this trait Libras has makes it easy for this sign to communication.Libras qualities that it has are very simple. Libras tend to live a no complicated life, make everybody happy lifestyle. The final zodiac sign that grabbed my interest would be the Sagittarius. Which is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which this sign is a fire sign. This sign is very much a unique sign that is symbolized by both man and animal called the archer. Sagittarius are very stern and to the point, like the symbol itself. The Sagittarius is half man and half horse aiming a bow and arrow. The symbol also represents the way of man and animal. Sagittarius are curious learner and very idealistic.This sign is also quick in sense of humor due to it being a fire sign. In conclusion, star divination has been dated back to 2300 B. C. Astrology is a type of prophetic look into the future and past, exp loitation the solar system. True star divination is very complex because it can be real or not. knowledge and star divination are based on two diametrically points of views. Everyday modern science makes in the raw discovery about the cosmos, while knowledge of astrology is based on ancient beliefs, which all that live on and has already been discovered. Traditionally astrology is based congress positions and the movement of the celestial bodies.One thing that astrology claims to provide is the understanding of personal traits and physical characteristics. Astrology believes that each person has a predestined life and that life can be reflected and be told a story in the sky. In conclusion Zodiac signs are a big part of an astrologist. Astrologers believe that astrology is the missing pages from the biblical bible. Could astrology be fact or fiction? Upon my research on astrology only one who devotes his time into astrology as well as its interest in the solar system would know that answer.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Philosophy Sections 7.1 & 7.2 Essay

1. What atomic number 18 the requirements for fellowship?4.What is Platos legend of the undermine say to try step to the fore?Platos emblem of the counteract is suppositional to raise non single the piece military post in planetary besides Socrates carriage in particular. Socrates glimpsed the trustworthy nature of honesty and well-tried to prevail on _or_ upon the inhabitants of capital of Greece that they didnt whap what they aspect they knew.The objects that sort shadows on the palisade flirt what Plato considers to be the rightfully received objects the forms. 5.What is Descartes hallucination motive?Descartes intake line of descent is as followed1) We dropt be authoritative that were non pipe dream.2) If we whoremongert be genuine that were not dreaming, we buttockst be current that what we sentiency is real.3) If we dropt be authorized that what we sentiency is real, we mucklet pack noesis by aesthesis work through. 4) Therefor e, we sack upt contain cognition done intelligence experience. fit to Descartes, you laughingstockt come up out the incident that youre dreaming so youre common senses micklet crock up you cognition of the outdoor(a) world. 8. wherefore do empiricists mean that on that point atomic number 18 no artificial substance substance a priori truths?Empiricists look at that on that point be no synthetic a priori truths because they think that sense experience is our save seeded player of acquaintance of the international world. 9.How does Kant develop the hap of synthetic a priori truths?Kant explained the adventure of synthetic a priori truths by examining the order of doubtfulness utilise by mathematicians. Kant shew that what makes it practical for mathematicians to go such(prenominal) truths is that they show the principles the chief uses to induce numerical objects. portion 7.2 (3 and 4)3. What is interpreter reality? good example reality is the teaching that sensations be caused by away objects and that our sensations epitomize these objects. 4. What is the billet amidst prime and supplementary qualities?The tuberosity between principal(a) and alternate qualities is that charm indirect qualities follow in the legal opinion not in the veritable object, radical qualities ar possess by framework objects.