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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Sticky fingers Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Clingy fingers - Case Study Example This paper investigates a moral issue looked by the retail location and will dissect checkpoints that can help in settling the business moral circumstance within reach. The current case presents a business domain where good thinking and assessments depend on moral affectability. Despite the fact that there emerges an ethical issue, resilience of good vagueness and contradiction is seen at administrative level. The executives is seen handling moral decisions through endeavors to incorporate good ability with administrative capability. b. Todd who has served the retail location for three continuous years as a sales rep was discovered liable for security control on the day the burglary occurred. This has gotten obvious from the tapes of shut circuit TV set inside the premises. d. Mike, misfortune anticipation/security chief, has led lie-identifier tests to figure out which representative is liable of the hidden burglary. His examinations have demonstrated that Todd is the main representative who has bombed the test. e. Todd’s business records have uncovered misdirecting data with respect to his past working environment. Sworn holding structures too his application structures don't coordinate with the given data. This progression is brutally taken against the store’s controls and can bring about prompt end. b. Whistle blowing and misdirecting top administration with respect to a representative is another moral offense displayed by Mike, the security administrator. He deliberately is seen pressurizing Susan, administrator of the retail location, to investigate any untrustworthy issue in Todd’s work records in order to fire him. c. Better execution assessment report can be accomplished by Mike if there should be an occurrence of shutting inner robbery case on Todd. This extraneous prize is pushing Mike to lead whistle blowing and deluding top administration against Todd. a. Careful re-examination of the store’s robbery can be embraced to adequately discover the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Politics Of The 1900 Essays - Sex Industry, Casual Sex, Free Essays
Legislative issues Of The 1900 Essays - Sex Industry, Casual Sex, Free Essays Legislative issues Of The 1900 The occasions that happen in Upton Sinclairs book The Jungle were same things that individuals in the mid twentieth century needed to manage regular. For instance work was abused to the businesses advantage. Political defilement and prostitution were some central matters in the book. The most significant thought, the book bolsters communism over free enterprise as a monetary and social structure. These things are what they needed to experience and will be additionally clarified. The work power was abused to the businesses benefits. The laborers didnt have any set wages. A not many long stretches of down to earth involvement with this place that is known for high wages had been adequate to clarify to them the savage certainty that it was additionally a place that is known for significant expenses, and that in it poor people man was nearly as poor as in some other corner of the earth; thus there evaporated in a night all the awesome dreams of riches that had been frequenting Jurgis. What had made the revelation even more difficult was that they were spending, at American costs, cash which they had earned at home paces of wagesand so were truly being cheated by the world! There were dangerous working conditions that the laborers needed to endure for a long time the organization had no consideration of. . The injury was not one that Durham and Company could be considered answerable for, thus that was all there was to it, most definitely. Likewise was no professi onal stability, the laborers dread of being terminated whenever of the day. For instance, because of their overproduction in the mid year, the laborers had to close down in the winter making the laborers jobless when they need money related help the most. Political defilement and prostitution were a few things that went on in the story. The legislators didnt care about anyone yet themselves and the vote that they get. Whose issue was it that at the hours when workingmen were setting off to their work what's more, back, the vehicles were packed to the point that the conductors couldn't gather all the charges? Furthermore, the organizations were cheats, individuals saidhad taken every one of their establishments with the assistance of scoundrelly government officials! Likewise prostitution was a major issue moreover. Little youngsters who are simply attempting to endure or ladies who need to families need intends to help them were constrained into prostitution as a simple method of getting cash. Marriage and prostitution were different sides of one shield, the savage man's misuse of the sex joy. In the event that she had no cash, she was a common, and sold herself for a presence. The book likewise bolsters that communism over private enterprise as a financial and social structure. The book shows that the average workers is most minimal finish of society, yet on the off chance that the laborers can have any kind of effect. On the off chance that they arrange and battle the framework they will win their opportunity. At the point when a Socialist was chosen for office he casted a ballot with old gathering officials for any measure that was probably going to be of help to the average workers, however he always remembered that these concessions, whatever they may be, were trifles contrasted and the extraordinary purposethe sorting out of the common laborers for the transformation. These were a portion of the things that went during that time. It was a tough time for the workers however it worked out that these outsiders were the ones that made this incredible nation America. Without them we wouldnt be at where at without them.
Pathophysiology of Why at High Risk of Infection Research Paper
Pathophysiology of Why at High Risk of Infection - Research Paper Example of simultaneous or past medications like radiation as well as steroids are the two factors that can raise the likelihood of getting a disease and may compound any that come to exist. Moreover, the patient has an expanded danger of disease due to having diabetes, and even the nervousness he encounters about the system can contrarily affect the body. The entirety of the components depicted above can add to the bargaining of the resistant framework and the resulting colonization of irresistible creatures. Post-employable impacts are likewise significant in the appraisal of Mr. Baker’s hazard for getting a disease. In spite of the fact that ineptitude is a long way from a conviction, the inability of the patient’s allocated medical caretaker may expand the danger of disease. Maybe increasingly evident is the danger of contamination emerging from the utilization of a few intrusive instruments during the post-usable consideration period. IVs, PCA punts, nasogastric cylinders, and nasal cannulas are on the whole significant apparatuses yet they can likewise give both section focuses to contaminations just as areas for microorganisms to store up. Direct section is given in each IV and PCA circumstance in light of the fact that puncturing the skin is important in the two cases. Interestingly, nasogastric cylinders and cannulas are obviously intended to be executed without tissue infiltration, yet scratches and cuts are for all intents and purposes unavoidable, particularly in an
Friday, August 21, 2020
Marketing---Publics Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Showcasing - Publics Relations - Essay Example izes itself when we propose that proactive way is the way to approach getting things done as it is an essential element of the PR practice and in reality the related way of thinking. The significance of PR is even more important to comprehend in light of the fact that without publics getting fulfilled and being quiet with the working procedures of the association, there can be genuine hardships in the best approach to make progress and that too at a brisk speed. The various exercises and procedures which are the backbone of the association owe on the shoulders of the PR estimates which the organization includes fused inside its system. This implies there is satisfactory game plan for the arranging, control, reconciliation exercises and undertakings as and when they come. The advertising inside the inward structure of the association draws out the particular premise of its message just as presents a brought together way to deal with various media vehicles just as the print and electro nic types of media. In addition, advertising presents the genuine image of the association at whatever point there is some difficulty inside its positions and when the publics request of it to be responsible and honest concerning its procedures, ways and peculiarities. PR ensures that the association stays especially positive on its position and there doesn't stay any shadow of an uncertainty when one talks about its dealings with the overall population and the partners to which the association owes bounty. The way where the formal and casual correspondence streams inside an association just as outside it is represented by the way that it is under a sound and appropriate PR arrangement. The inspiration to stay steadfast and focused on the prosperity of the partners is a significant suggestion and all endeavors ought to be made with respect to the association being talked about to remain in front of this race. In an expanding rivalry of media and its various structures, the need is t o introduce the genuine picture regarding what precisely is occurring inside an association
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
A timeline of SIPAs defining moments COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
A timeline of SIPAs defining moments COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Founded in 1946, the School of International and Public Affairs has evolved greatly over seven decades, adding students, faculty, programs, areas of study, academic centers, and even the tallest building on Columbia University’s Morningside Campus. After 70 years, what remains unchanged is the School’s missionâ€"to serve the global public interest by educating students to serve and lead and by producing and sharing new knowledge on the critical public policy challenges facing the world, today and in the future. We hope you enjoy this selection of highlights from SIPA’s rich history. 1948 SIPA’s first students In 1946 the School of International Affairs (as it was then known) enrolled its first students. The first class graduated in 1948. 1951 Dwight Eisenhower took special interest in SIPA when he was Columbia’s president In 1951, then University president Dwight D. Eisenhower established the Institute of War and Peace Studies. Many of SIPA’s affiliated centers were established in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. 1960 SIPA’s growth led to construction of the IAB in the late 1960s The School’s growth created need for more space to accommodate faculty and students. Designed by the same architect as the UN Building, the International Affairs Building was completed in 1970 and formally dedicated in 1971. 1966- Over the years, the International Fellows program has connected students to prominent leaders. Established in 1960, the IF program brings students together from Columbia’s multiple graduate schools. Senator Robert F. Kennedy (center right) was an early visitor. 1979 The School updated its name to reflect creation of the MPA program After starting the MPA program in 1977, the School changed its name in 1979 to reflect its expanded mission. 1985 Welcoming World Leaders to SIPA SIPA has long welcomed to campus world leaders like PM Rajiv Gandhi of India (right), who gave the annual Silver lecture in 1985. 1989 Henry Kissinger discusses the War Powers Act SIPA often convenes conferences and forums on important global and national policy issues. The former secretary of state was joined in 1989 by Joe Biden, then a U.S. senator from Delaware. 1995 Al Gore and David Dinkins flank Dean John Ruggie at the inaugural Dinkins Forum More than 20 years later, the annual gathering still serves as a vehicle for discussing major urban policy issues. Vice President Al Gore (left) was among the keynote speakers in the forum’s first year. 1997 SIPA students learn from the global classroom New York City hosts important events like the Korean Four-Way Talks. SIPA students benefit from proximity to the events and institutions they study. 2000 Adding New Programs In the 2000s, SIPA welcomed its first EMPA students and also initiated the PhD program in sustainable development, which would observe its 10-year anniversary in 2014. (The PhD anniversary gathering is pictured.) 2012 A Rare Visit SIPA students continue to travel around the world for Capstones workshops and other educational programs. In 2012, Elisabeth Lindenmayer led the first group of students to visit North Korea under the auspices of an American university program. 2012 The Center on Global Economic Governance, led by Professor Jan Svejnar, convened a panel of faculty experts for its launch CGEG studies the implications of an increasingly interconnected global economy for the United States and the world. 2013 The Center on Global Energy Policy is one of several academic centers launched since 2010 In the last five years, SIPA has launched four new academic centers. Mayor Michael Bloomberg was on hand for the 2013 celebration of the new Center on Global Energy Policy. 2015 SIPA celebrates the inauguration of the new Raj Center on Indian Economic Policies The Raj Center is the first academic center in the United States devoted to India and its economy, and the newest center at the School. 2015 Caroline Kennedy addressed graduating students in May 2015 Caroline Kennedy, U.S. ambassador to Japan, speaks at SIPA’s 2015 graduation ceremony. From an initial class of just a few dozen, the School now enrolls more than a thousand full-and part-time students in multiple degree programs and tracks.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Describe Feminist Interpretation of Fried Green Tomatoes - 3025 Words
Describe Feminist Interpretation of Fried Green Tomatoes (Movie Review Sample) Content: Feminist interpretation of Fried Green Tomatoes Name:Course Title:Instructors Name:Date: Feminist Interpretation of Fried Green TomatoesIt never ceases to be amazing on how conflicting experiences and feelings in relation to eating and food. Individually, from personal view of the film, it signifies relation in the glamorous pleasures of culinary that delight in food, just to realize that people still contemplate over the same issue for years. This creates residual feelings of guilt. Moreover, it is pragmatic to state that, at times the feelings go beyond residual context, and in fact become more prominent. It is always imaginable that people should handle such like cycle in a better manner. This implies that food consumption should become non-problematic, guilt free, simple and pleasurable. Although it is believed that feminist is associated with food handling, it puzzles individuals over difficulties encountered when coming into terms with eating and food. After all , studies on feminist literature indicate closer association between bodies, women and food (Bordo, 1993). However, to better understand more about exhibited ridiculous method of self-torture, the film envisioned pleasure and guilt. Moreover, in the narrative world of mainstreaming, the film is a showcase of pleasure, empowerment and feelings of trouble and wrong (Frankenberg, 1993). Regarding the guilt, consumption of the film enhances close echoes of sentiments around food, although in myriad situation people like and really enjoys it. In addition, scholarly perception in efforts to dissect media production in a way that shapes hegemonic understandings about self and others, it is challenging indeed. When watching films that showcase eating, it could be perceived differently, but personally, it is laden with various issues, which are not limited to creating awareness about what lies behind the product being consumed. For instance, film, food, furniture or clothing. It is in most c ases habitual that people likes to consume specific products of their pleasure in their quest to struggle for awareness. In this regard, the film Fried Green Tomatoes is personally a pose of great puzzle since it depicts progressive treatment of gender, race, food, power and sexuality. Yet, attempts to consume the film often create a guilty pleasure of eating the wrong food (Bordo, 1993).The film showcase Eating the Other: Desire and Resistance, which bell hooks explores otherness as the commodification in mass culture. This is with much emphasis on how often ethnicity becomes spice within commodity culture that acts as seasoning that can live up the dull dish in mainstreaming the white culture. Much concern is expressed on the basis through which the contemporary media handles the issues of otherness and race. The film indicates that at times something radical happened to the black literature.Fried Green Tomatoes is an indication of critical analysis of pleasure and discomfort exhi bited by women in relationship to food. In addition, it hints a take back by one hand what is given by the other hand; this is showcased through de-emphasizing and negative reincription of respective subversive tendencies exhibited, especially regarding treatment of race. Through the subversive utopia offered about the film, it indicates how the women are, as far as eating and identity are concerned. In closer reading of the film Fried Green Tomatoes, it conceptualizes and conversely identifies how desire dictates a peoples political affiliation and choices. From personal observation, the film maps the hetero-sexual white woman. It simultaneously addresses critical voices, a fact that creates an understanding of interconnection between consumption, pleasure, and guilt (Bordo, 1993). According to the film, analyzing the cycle of pleasure and guilt further creates an understanding of how desire disrupts, makes resistance possible and also subverts. Moreover, in analyzing the film, it is realistic to state that Fried Green Tomatoes undermines the possibility of change that is offered by the film, although, different people perceive different things in distinct ways, based on relationship with the film through means of personal empowerment. Interpretation of feminist in the film focuses on representation of food and eating in Fried Green Tomatoes. This subverts perceived standardized notion on gender and sexuality. It also questions patriarchal political structure and exhibited inequitable food distribution.According to the film, and in the view of the flip-side of the coin, it depicts moments of pleasure and empowerment. In addition, according to the book by Fanny Flagg, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Caf, there is fair amount of critical attention (Frankenberg, 1993). It could be sometimes regarded as a cult among classic U.S lesbians which focus on feminism, gender, race and sexuality.However, in realizing the balancing act of Fried Green Tomatoes, it is questionable how such a film that deals with such controversial issue like cannibalized husband managed to make successful leap from novel to film, it is surprising how a quiet female buddy movie managed to attract a wide audience. Personally, it is important to understand that the film managed to effectively attract wide audience through balance of extremes and as well touching on serious issue of modern day alienation, race, and sexuality without losing large sentiments from the audience. It implies that most of the people were eager to derive the understanding of feminism in the film Fried Green Tomatoes (Bordo, 1993). More concern that contributed to the increased audience was based on humor and laughter, loss and transformation as transgressive power in the film. In furtherance, the popularity of the film could be viewed as an intrinsic link to the challenges in cultural norms, which according to Raymond Williams could be referred to as emergent Culture.In spite of the n umerous challenges facing mainstreaming, Fried Green Tomatoes is not subversive, fringe text as it may be viewed to some extent. It has also showcased comfort and empowerment as far as eating and food are concerned; personally, it is believed that the film ascertains the need and means for incorporating change, and ultimately usurped by mainstream culture. In addition, it becomes more regressive especially with regard to personal view, due to the much undoing of the feminist work exhibited. This is the main source of problematic issues around gender, race and sexuality, which henceforth undermines progressive narration of food and eating. The film to some extent has somewhat managed to convince and prevents personal alteration of reflection on gender, race and sexuality (Frankenberg, 1993). The film Fried Green Tomatoes attempts in numerous ways to challenge heterosexism, stereotypical, and traditional gender roles, in a way that food and women have been represented in mainstreaming . However, it is realistic that mainstreaming media has created laughter around women who are believed to be larger than what hegemonic culture holds to be acceptable (Bordo, 1993). According to personal interpretation of the film, women who take up space through enjoying food could be equated with animals, and conversely be positioned as proverbial butt of jokes. Slender actresses are not excluded in this, only a few examples are allowed to partake of culinary delights as displayed on the screen. This is without being either sexualized or demoralized; these options are lean at best. However, the only option that is left would be to choose between stylized or realistically sculpted bodies or images of the ridiculed marginalized fat woman is the number allowed to take up positive roles in mainstreaming films, and conversely enjoying food is incredibly small. This implies that when women eat in mainstream cinema, situations that allow for this could be argued to be narrowly defined. In somewhat cases, there are lovely, thin goddesses whose eating habits serves to correspond to, and enhance their erotic attractiveness towards the opposite sex men. Research on literature indicates that the heroines unrestrained delight in eating as sexual foreplay; this is a way of figuring out the abandon that would thereafter but, shortly be expressed in bed (Bordo, 1993).The film Fried Green Tomatoes is a clear indication that female bodies should conform to the ideals of contemporary female body norms. Moreover, it creates a perception that eating is not bad, but only if the indulgence precedes heterosexual intercourse or if an individual does not get fat. Other circumstances that are permitted to showcase that women lust for food and indeed they need it is the period when they are pregnant, other that situations that clearly shows that a woman has been near starvation. But the possibility of such extreme cases according to the film appears bleak. According to the film, mains tream representation of women eating food are quite problematic, comparatively to the situation exhibited in Fried Green Tomatoes are presumed to not only be guilty, but also perpetuates judgmental and stereotypical images (Frankenberg, 1993). The film seemingly sidelined men in offering narratives of empowerment within the face of culture. This is a fact that brings about bombarding views, which are; unhealthy, unrealistic and dangerous as far as body and food are concerned, with simultaneous contradiction of the tendency. Honey signifies food, but in the film, it is a means through which women express their sexual lust for each other, this subtly underlines lesbians relationship that exists between two (Bor...
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Catcher in the Rye Reader Response Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 661 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/05/16 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Catcher in The Rye Essay Did you like this example? A book should be valued by the lesson taught. â€Å"The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.†-James Bryce. My book is the Catcher in the Rye by J. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Catcher in the Rye Reader Response Essay" essay for you Create order D. Salinger. I feel like a lot can be taken away from the book, but I also feel like there are some elements of the book that could have been better, or could have been better understood. Some places in the book it seems to go on and on, but other places in the book are really deep and relatable. The beginning of the novel introduces some of the characters and starts to explain what led to holden getting suspended. 16-year-old Holden Caulfield is going through struggles. At the beginning of the novel, Holden talks about failing almost all of his classes. He goes to say goodbye to Mr. Spencer, his history teacher. Holden seems to have a negative attitude about pretty much everything in his life. And when something good happens, it either gets ruined or he ruins it because he doesnt have many good things happen. Many of the experience he talks about are very relatable. Academic struggles, addictions, friendship problems, and fights. Holden finds the world around him almost unbearable. He uses the hardships of life against other people. Stradlater is one of Holden’s roommates at Pencey. Stradlater is known as handsome and popular. But Holden explained that in his own privacy, he’s actually a really messy person. Phoebe Caulfield is Holden’s ten-year-old sister. He says that even though Phoebe is 6 years younger than Holden, she understands more than most people. Phoebe holds maturity for her age and provides the most happiness for h im. This novel doesn’t really seem to have a real ending. At the end of the novel, he talks about taking Phoebe on the carousel, and he actually seemed to be enjoying himself. â€Å"I felt so damn happy, if you want to know the truth.†(212) He says he doesn’t wanna talk about what happened after that, so I think he wanted to enjoy himself for once in his life. I think by the end of the novel Holden had changed drastically, as far as his attitude towards his life. At the very end of the book, Holden says, â€Å"That’s all Im going to tell about. I could probably tell you what I did after I went home, and how I got sick and all, and what school I’m supposed to go to next fall after I get out of here, but I dont feel like it. I really don’t. That stuff doesn’t interest me too much right now.†(213) He’s talking about getting out of the mental hospital, but he doesn’t want to talk about the bad times now that he has the j oy of Phoebe in mind. Here’s what I personally can take from the novel. I think it teaches you that it’s important to contain a positive relationship with not only others but with yourself as well. Having positive relationships with people you love and care about, and who make you happy can help you through the hardships of life. This book is definitely an emotional rollercoaster for most of the characters, and possibly even the reader. In real life, you should definitely keep everyone and everything important to you very close because nothing last forever, and your happiness could fade away in seconds. A book should be looked at by what the reader can take away from it. This book had a lot of ups and downs, and definitely a lot of changes. But in the end, Holden seemed to find happiness and he wanted to leave it at that. When Holden finds little joy in his life, he becomes fulfilled and he doesnt think the rest of his life is important anymore. I think overall it was a pretty good book.
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